Royal Naval Engineers' Benevolent Society

The Review
The Naval Engineering Review (NER) was originally established to keep members up to date with current news and technologies in the Royal Navy.
Click on a link on the right --> to download a Review.
We are in the process of scanning in old NERs in pdf format, and will create the links to enable you to view and save them. Please bear in mind that these files are relatively large and will take time to download if you are not using broadband.
NB: There is a trade off between quality and file size, and with the number of NERs to be added, file size wins. Even at the greatest reduction, most files are over 5Mb. I have tried scanning at better resolutions, but the quality of the image is no better, mainly because the ink bleeds through the paper and you get a shadow of the writing on the other side of the page which makes it hard to read. It also increases the file size to about 30Mb, which is really too large.
During the Executive Council meeting held in June 2012, there was considerable discussion about professional engineering institutions and organisations as reflected by the content and quality of their in-house publications. It was agreed that whilst the NER does not set out to compete with these publications, having neither the funding nor the technical authoring resources, it has suffered by comparison and action needs to be taken. It was decided therefore that publication of the NER and the post of Editor NER should be suspended and will be reviewed at each Executive Council Meeting.
There is still the opportunity for the ‘Robbins Memorial Prize’ to be awarded to any member submitting a suitable engineering article that is published by the Society (in the Bulletin), so if you have something to contribute then please email it to the editor at contrabyte@gmail.com for consideration. Please make your submissions in Microsoft Word up and any pictures as .JPG’s. I can crop, alter and enhance these as necessary.
In the NER Contents List those labelled as Missing are those magazines that we do not have in physical form. The dates shaded in Purple text denote those older magazines whose contents still need to be listed (all in good time). The others I will get around to as and when.
If anyone has copies of any of the Missing magazines, can you let me know and we can come to some arrangement for scanning or copying so that we can post the content on the site for all to see.
NERs 38, 183,184,185,186 added Jan 2017.
Mark Stevens
Editor RNEBS Publications
Download Reviews
NER 182 - Spring 1871
A list of the contents can be viewed here. When opened you will be able to search for your chosen topic or name.
Last updated: Nov 2016