Royal Naval Engineers' Benevolent Society
last updated: 09 June 2024
Please report any errors or omissions by emailing rnebs150@gmail.com
For those of you who have already placed you name on the list and would like to add a partner
name, please let me know
Don't forget to let me know your menu choices are and any allergies etc.
Table 1:
761 Mark Stevens S2-M1-D1 and Leslie Esperas S2-M3-D1
S64 Nigel Fyfe S2-M1-D3 and Sue Fyfe S3-M1-D2
S55 Rod Lampen S2-M1-D2 and Ronnie Lampen S3-M3-D2
Table 2:
793 George Else S2-M1-D1 and Donna Newell S2-M1-D1
731 Tony Worsfold S2-M1-D1 and Sandra Worsfold S1-M1-D2
781 George Prior S2-M1-D2
801 David Page S2-M1-D1 and David Stanley S2-M1-D1
Table 3:
693 Paul Kirkpatrick S3-M2-D1 and Karen Kirkpatrick S3-M3-D3
713 David Setterfield S2-M1-D1 and Susan Setterfield S2-M1-D1
701 William Hetherington S2-M1-D1 and Chris Heaver S2-M3-D3
731 Steve Woodford S2-M3-D1 and Lorraine Woodford S1-M3-D1
Table 4:
723 John Ross S2-M1-D2 and Sarah Ross S3-M2-D3
693 George Stanton S2-M1-D1 and Trish Stanton S2-M2-D2
693 John Maskell-Bott S2-M1-D1 and Sarah Maskell-Bott S2-M3-D2
773 John McCormick S2-M1-D1 and Maureen Smyth S3-M1-D3
Table 5:
S61 Kenneth Morrison S2-M2-D2 and Jane Morrison S2-M1-D2
S49 Martin Waltho S1-M2-D2
S61 Ronald Clarke S1-M3-D1 and Angela Clarke S1-M4-D2
S62 Clive Smith S2-M1-D1 and Lynda Smith S1-M3-D3
S59 Stephen Lees
Table 6:
731 Lenny Marples S1-M1-D1 and Emma Holden S3-M1-D1
731 Mark Middleton S1-M1-D1
731 Stephen Walden S2-M1-D2 and Tracey Walden S3-M1-D1
731 Paul Spray S2-M2-D2 and Valerie Spray S2-M2-D2
723 Irving Campbell
Table 7:
S61 Peter Bellamy S2-M1-D1 and Sandra Bellamy S2-M3-D2
S61 Kevin Baxter S1-M1-D1 and Deborah Baxter S1-M3-D1
S61 Christopher Harkness S2-M1-D1 and Shirley Harkness S3-M1-D2
S62 Geoffrey Samuel S2-M1-D3 and Sue Samuel S3-M1-D3