Royal Naval Engineers' Benevolent Society

A Message from the General Manager
If you are a member and any of the following applies to you could you please contact the General Manager and update your details as necessary.
Does the Society know your correct address?
Is your Nominee who you want it to be?
Does the Society have your correct name?
Has your name changed due to marriage / deed poll etc?
Do you have a Standing Order payable to the Society, if so, is it for the correct amount?
​Have you received the ‘Bulletin’ this year either by email or by post? If not then contact the General Manager to ensure that your mailing and/or email addresses are updated on the database.
​The last increase in subscriptions was to £20 in April 2009. According to the Members' Handbook 2020, any member whose due subscription remains unpaid for 24 months will be suspended from membership and therefore excluded from Benefits, but if you cannot be contacted you then you cannot be informed that you have been excluded. This also means that you (or your nominee) will not be paid any benefits.
Some former members are continuing to pay after resignation, (and even after death!). Please keep your Bank and your Nominee informed, as well as the Society, (use the application form to update / confirm your details to me, e.g. Nominee / Relationship / Address(es) / Bank Account details).
Since the beginning of April 2017 Free Life Membership (FLM) is no longer available to members. However, if you are already a FLM then you will remain a FLM and you need not take any further action. Please be advised that FLM's will not receive any higher benefits if and when they are increased by the RNEBS Management Committee (formally known as the Executive Council).
NB: The Free Life Membership ceased as of 01 April 2017.
Rule Change agreed at the January 2022 Management Committee Meeting.
As of 26th January 2022 the Society will not be accepting any new members and all subscription rates are frozen at the levels you are currently paying.