Royal Naval Engineers' Benevolent Society

Links to sites that contain material of interest to Society members.
Click on a link to access the sites (they will open in new windows). The RNEBS is not responsible for and cannot be held accountable for actions taken by using the information contained on these external websites.
Naval Sites
The Royal Navy
The Official site of the Royal Navy.
Engineering Sites
The Engineering Council
The site of the Engineering Council UK which set the standard that engineers and technicians have to achieve to register.
Online Magazines and Books
The Naval Review
To promote the advancement and spreading within the service, knowledge relevant to the higher aspects of the naval professions.
The Official Illustrated History of British Forces in Germany
Museums and Places of Interest
The RNEBS Alston Memorial Society
Situated in Gosport Hampshire UK, at HMS Sultan.
The Royal Navy Submarine Museum
Situated in Gosport Hampshire UK, next to the Haslar Hospital on the Haslar peninsular.
The National Maritime Museum of UK - This is a site for research with a maritime feel to it.
Sites suggested by Society members
Aviation Archive: Aviation Heritage
Old Boy’s Associations and Groups
The Royal British Legion
The site of the Royal British Legion - The main organization for the three services ex-service men.
The Fisgard Association
An Association for those that served or were trained in either HMS Fisgard or Fisgard Squadron.
Old Caledonia Artificer Apprentices’ Association (OCAAA)
An Association for those that served or were trained in HMS Caledonia
Classes of 1949 Aircraft Artificers
Series 25: Artificers who joined in September 1955
Series 31: Artificers who joined in September 1957
Series 32: Artificers who joined in January 1958
Series 47: Artificers who joined in January 1963
Series 55: Artificers who joined in September 1965
Series 61: Artificers who joined in September 1967
Series 703: Artificers who joined in September 1970
Tiffs Down Under: Those now living in Australia and New Zealand
Health Sites
Veterans Sleep Issues
A U.S. website that has a lot of useful information about sleep disorders etc. and it also has reviews on matresses and pillows.
Veterans Orthopedic Service
An NHS service based in Shropshire exclusively for veterans with arthritis treating arthritic lower limb problems, especially those requiring hip and knee replacements.
UK Armed Forces and Veterans Healthcare
NHS services for those with physical injuries
The Mesothelioma Prognosis Network