Royal Naval Engineers' Benevolent Society

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Welcome to the RNEBS
Who are we and what we do
​The RNEBS supports the Engineering Artificers and Technicians of the Royal Navy. The Society was set up for the promotion of intellectual and general welfare and the provision of Death or Invaliding Benefits for Members.
​While the Society no longer publishes the Naval Engineering Review, the Society Members’ Bulletin is produced twice a year and contains articles and news about Naval Engineering and other topics of general interest. We also publish the latest comments and news from the Society and provide you with ways to contact us.​
We also have a number of links pointing you to other sites that may be of interest to you.
​​Have your say
​Let us know your thoughts, comments, articles etc and we will publish them on the website.
Use the contact form or send an email to the General Manager
Latest News
Number of site visitors
The Society
The Objectives of the Society
To provide Death or Invaliding Benefits for its Members.
To produce and disseminate technical journals and newsletters.
To provide prizes for engineering excellence, principally in training.
To provide a Society for all Naval Engineers.
To promote the intellectual and general welfare of its members consistent with the MOD (Navy) Regulations.
Devonport Section
The Devonport Section at present meet at 1800 hours on the fourth Wednesday of each month except June, August and December.
The meetings are held at the RNEBS Offices - top floor 113 North Hill, Plymouth.
Any enquires or comments please contact the General Manager
Portsmouth Section
Due to the lack of interest, the Portsmouth Section is not holding regular meetings at the present time. However, if anyone is interested in setting up, running and minuting a meeting (this also includes finding a suitable venue) then please contact the General Manager for details.
Management Committee
The annual Management Committee meeting is held on a Saturday in early June at 113, North Hill, Plymouth.
Prize Funds
The provision of prizes is made possible through the dispersal of income from the Chatham Memorial Prize Fund and the Captain Marrack Memorial Prize Fund.
Click here for more details.
The Society intends to publish two magazines per year in the form of the Society Members Bulletin. This publication will contain articles that have some engineering content and other topics of general interest together with details of prize recipients, notification of those who have crossed the bar and perhaps a crossword to while away the long winter nights.